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Tsuyoshi (Yushy)

Tsuyoshi Kawata (Yushy)
Co-Founder of (Professional Amateur

…I was always fascinated in fashion since I was young and as I grew older I started to pursue my own style.




When I was a student I repaired and remade my worn out jeans and in 2019 I had the opportunity to collaborate with “nudiejeans” which is a denim brand from Sweden. Our collaboration product was sold at 2 events, “Denim Days Festival” in Amsterdam and “Complex Con” in Los Angles. After the two events, the product was sold at the nudijeans online store and was sold out in one night.


学生時代は穿き古したジーンズを自らのスタイルでリペア・リメイクし、2019年にはスウェーデンのデニムブランド”nudiejeans”とのコラボレーションを果たした。コラボ商品はアムステルダムのDenim Days FestivalとロスアンゼルスのComplex Conの2つのイベントにて特設ブースで販売された。



I wanted to pursue my own creativity and wanted to create a community through fashion after the collaboration which is why I started our brand (Professional Amateur with Kazuho.


上記ブランドとのコラボレーション後、自らの創造性を追求し、ファッションを通してのコミュニティを創りたいと思い、Kazuhoと共に(Professional Amateur を立ち上げた。


We don’t just want to sell original products but want to sell vintage, second hand, repair and remade items through our brand. One of our goal is to create a new product by bringing the clothes back to life.

