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Kazuho Yoshida
Co-Founder of (Professional Amateur
…I was interested in drawing since I was young and was slowly drawn into many genres of arts. I expressed my own creativity freely from outside the box through pictures, drawings, and sculpture when I was a student.





After graduating from university, I started working for a major apparel company. Though managing the operation of the company, I started to develop some questions of the products and the operation methods being used. I wondered if it was really worth it to throw away my own values towards fashion and keep working there. In the end, I decided to go independent because I valued my ideas and creativity.







I wanted to freely express my ideas and create a place where people can communicate thus, I started (Professional Amateur with Tsuyoshi.


ファッションを通して自由な発想でモノづくりをし、人々のコミュニケーションの場を創りたいと思いTsuyoshiと共に(Professional Amateurを立ち上げた。


I will be shooting, editing, and designing in our brand. Through photos and videos I can pursue my creativity by documenting the process and results of the art I have created.


